
Moti Nagar: The arrival of BATM at the Mostar fair is only the first step in creating partnerships with BiH companies

Jurica GudeljPiše Jurica Gudelj  /  06.05.2023., 12:52h

We spoke with Moti Nagar, CEO of the Israeli company BATM, one of the most important exhibitors at this year‘s 24th international business fair in Mostar, about innovations, the company BATM, the potential cooperation of Israeli companies such as BATM with companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the deepening of ties between Israel and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mr. Nagar, welcome to Mostar and Bosnia and Herzegovina. What are your first impressions of Mostar, BiH, and the Mostar Fair?

The first thig that struck me about Mostar is its rich history but also the modernisation programme it has undergone. It has been an impressive regeneration programme as civil and commercial life returns to the City. Mostar Fair has been very impressive. The quality of participants has been very impressive. We have spoken to Prime Ministers, senior government ministers, ambassadors and have had serious conversations with all. Mostar should feel very proud of itself for hosting such a high-calibre event

What kind of business activities is BATM involved in?

BATM is a company that turns science and technology innovation and development into real-world products, primarily in the network edge, cyber security and bio-medical markets.

These seem to be quite different sectors. How does the company manage to combine all kinds of businesses?

We have two divisions: one is Networking & Cyber and the other is Bio-Medical. You would be amazed how much scientific similarity there is between the divisions – and underlying all of our core activities is real-time analytical technologies, which is what draws everything together. We analyse illnesses or the telco network or the cyber chatter in real time.

What does "biomedicine" encompass, and how fast is early diagnosis developing? What can we expect in the near future when it comes to the development of early diagnosis?

For us, 'biomedicine' primarily refers to in vitro diagnostics – and more, specifically, enabling early and rapid diagnosis whether in central laboratories, at point of care or in a hospital laboratory. We specialise in molecular diagnostics, which is commonly referred to as genetics-based diagnostics. Most of what we do is in the area of infectious disease, but we also have other product lines.

The demand for early diagnosis is increasing globally – driven by our experience during the pandemic and by an aging population. During the pandemic, we saw how important it was to identify if someone had COVID as early as possible, before they had any symptoms, to be able to take action to try to slow the spread through society. With an aging population, being able to diagnose illnesses as early as possible will enable more effective treatment to be provided, which is ultimately more cost effictive for public health services.

What are BATM's goals in presenting at the Fair?

BATM came to the Mostar Fair in order to establish relationships with a view to distributing our medical products in the Balkan states.  

Considering that, as the CEO of such a large company, you have come to Mostar, this speaks volumes about the importance of the Fair for BATM. Are you (planning to) expand your business to this part of the world, or have you (planned to) made any deals during the Fair?

We have already started working with the most advanced medical institutions in Croatia and we see there is a great desire in the Balkan states to constantly improve and expand the medical service and provide better healthcare to their citizens. This presents a good market opportunity for us becasue we can help in achieving this aim.

We don’t know if we will sign any deals during the Mostar Fair, but we certainly see our attendance as a first step to doing business here.

How has Israel helped BATM's development, and what could BiH do to actively assist in the development of its own economy?

Israel has helped BATM in the early stages of its development mainly with scientific grants. If Bosnia Herzegovina wants to grow its economy, then partnerships, cooperation and investment specifically in the technology field are crucial.

There are many different parameters that explain the growth of the economy in Israel, but the main reason is that, as you know, Israel is a small country. In order to thrive, we understood that we need superior technology and a sense of urgency. Tomorrow must be today. As a result of this, and a good education system, we managed to change from a country that exported oranges to a country that sells advanced technology and technology-based products.

Lately, the cooperation between Israel and BiH has intensified. What needs to be done to deepen this cooperation to mutual satisfaction?

What is needed in order to increase cooperation between the two countries is more awareness of the capabilities and strengths that exist in Bosnia and Herzegovina and which companies or organisations are the leaders in those areas. The first step to achieving this is more visits from Israel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and vice versa. The Universities should be talking to each other, the businesses should be talking to each other and governments should be talking to each other to achieve what is best for BiH and in turn for Israel too.

What would you highlight as the most important piece of advice you could share with the Bosnian business community on how to improve their own business?

My most important piece of advice is to invest in your people. Without a great team, a business cannot achieve great things. It is important that you have people who are able, but also who are committed and share the same drive and ambition as you.

20. listopad 2024 07:51