
Hrvatska skijašica se razgolitila: ‘Ipak sam ja playboy djevojka...‘

Piše D  /  20.02.2019., 09:02h

Nika Fleiss prije devet godina se oprostila od skijanja i povukla se iz javnosti, a sada je nakon dugo vremena dala intervju za RTL-ov Exkluziv u kojem je pričala o skidanju za Playboy, povratku iz Amerike i razvodu.

Za naslovnicu Playboya fotkala se prije osam godina i sada kaže kako zbog te odluke nije požalila.  - Možda je to bila ishitrenost, možda zbog toga što sam prestala skijati tada, ma svašta je nešto pomiješano bilo kod mene, mladost ludost.  Nije mi se zbog toga dogodilo ništa ružno niti nešto posebno lijepo i ne žalim.

Ja sam ipak Playboy djevojka koliko god nekom to bilo otrcano - govori Nika u intervjuu.

Nika se vratila iz Amerike gdje je neko vrijeme živjela i radila i sada planira preseljenje iz Samobora u Zagreb.

Na Instagramu često objavi fotke na kojima se malo razgoliti i zagolica maštu obožavateljima...


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do you find this sexy today too?!... I don’t think so...but it’s still the same body, only in pain and wounds from the surgery...the line is so tin, one day we walk the red carpet, the next day the only thing is red is the blood we see on our more grateful for what you have. You are an incredible human being, just the way you are. You are beautiful. Stop comparing yourself to those insta-famous girls, stop looking at those photoshopped ads. Those images are too perfect, so perfect that they feel empty. When you look at them, you feel nothing inspiring, nothing empowering. Only negative emotions. There is nothing genuine about them. No flaws, no life, nothing real. But you are real. Imperfections are what make us real. I’m so glad that our generation has started to romanticize curves, stretch marks, the “no makeup” look. You are beautiful just the way you are. You don’t need to lose weight, to wear heels or foundation if you don’t want to. “Beautiful” does not mean fitting into those outdated and unachievable standards. “Beautiful” is being genuine, true to yourself and confident in your own skin. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to make the future you want for yourself. Your life is yours. Your parents, friends, and teachers don’t have any right to tell you what you can or can’t do. Don’t be afraid to take a step out of your comfort zone. Do you want to travel? Save some money and buy a plane ticket. You want to drop out of college and start your own business? Go for it! Do you want to write a poetry book, start a band, sell your paintings? Please try ! Do what makes you happy. You won’t regret trying. You deserve all those things because you are a unique and beautiful person. Please never let anyone tell you that you’re not enough. You are worth it❗️#beingsicksucks #lifeofni

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23. travanj 2024 06:49